Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A little rusty...

Wow, I can't believe how much time got away from me this year. I didn't even start back into the Halloween work until the end of July - when I had planned on starting in January! I'm finding the old arthritic fingers aren't cooperating as well as I'd like - I think they're out of practice. :)

Nevertheless, it's onward and upward! My little pumpkin queen make-do is almost finished, as is a recipe box and a couple of ornies. I'm off now to start on a little something for my daughter (she just went 3000 miles away to college a couple of weeks ago and wants to decorate her room), as well as another ornament for the SEHA gals giveaway.

Meanwhile, here's an update on Her Highness. Now, don't mention her hair - she's a little sensitive about that right now. Bad hair day, you know.... As you can see in the first picture, she had just woke up and hadn't even combed it out yet. And she absolutely insisted on wearing her crown for the second photo, even though her hair still needs to be put up and she's not even dressed yet!
Some queens...

Now, for those of you who may be reading via blogger, you can follow this blog--and see the comments--on http://creatingthehive.com/creativespiritgallery/blog. Why don't you join in the fun? :)

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